Astrology Classes & Events

“What a powerful Moon Medicine gathering last night! I was flying high afterwards. I can’t wait to join you again! Thank you, Jessa. You hold such magical and empowering space.”Anne Rapp



In-Person at Yess Yoga in Minneapolis, MN

Saturday, January 25, 2025

7–9pm CST

Please join me for this exploration of the embodiment of the Moon in Sagittarius through evolutionary astrology, organic engagement with music and a simple ritual to warm our hearts and nourish our hope.

Open to all womxn and genderqueer folks.


4-Week Astrology Series:

MARS: Primal Eros…Fire of Life

Tuesdays, January 14 & 21, February 4 & 11, 2025

Online via ZOOM with Jessa Walters

4:30–6:30pm PST

Please note: Our first session together will be a bit longer. Please allow 2.5 hours for the first session. And, there will be no meeting on Tues, Jan 28.

From December 6, 2024–February 23, 2025, MARS, the red planet of desire, assertion, forward-momentum and action is retrograde, which means it appears to be going backwards from our vantage point on Earth. This transit happens once every 2 years for a period of about 11 weeks.

MARS RETROGRADE is an opportune, aligned time to slow ourselves down and reflect upon Mars’ themes: 

  • Our life force energy

  • Sense of agency and personal power

  • Advocacy for self and other

  • Strength/Will/Determination

  • Desires and needs

  • Passion/Eros (including but not limited to sexual energy)

  • Conflict navigation patterns and skills

  • Boundaries

  • Frustration and anger (our own and others)

  • Assertiveness and action-taking

  • Facing fear

All of this Mars reflection is in service to attaining deeper awareness as to how we are engaging with this "one wild and precious Life." (Thank you, Mary Oliver) With this awareness, we can determine if change is needed in how we cultivate, harness and direct our life force energy in our personal lives and in the wider world.

In our birth charts, Mars lets us know how and where our souls crave the heat of conquering fear. Mars reveals where and how we must passionately engage with Life in order to have a healthy sense of gusto in our day to day. We discover through Mars how we are naturally wired to assert ourselves, to take action, to well as how we could get tripped up by painful, protective (fear-based) ego patterns.

During our first session together, I will give a 20-min presentation on Mars. Each week, we will have a brief check-in/sharing based on a Mars-themed prompt. You always have the option to pass.

We will then dive into individual birth chart exploration focused on natal Mars and transiting Mars Retrograde (2 charts per week). This is an invaluable opportunity to learn from each other's astrological charts and lives. I will share my Zoom screen while looking at each astrological chart so that everyone can follow along and learn. 

At the end of each chart exploration, there will be time for members of the group to share reflective/mirroring feedback with the person whose chart we have just explored. Individuals in past groups have expressed that receiving this type of mirroring reflection gave them the experience of feeling seen and heard in a way that was deeply affirming, insightful and energizing.

This group is limited to 8 womxn/genderqueer folks.


Full Moon

Astrology for Self-Care: Full Moon in Cancer

In-Person at Casa Om Yoga Studio in Pacifica, CA

January 12, 2025

1pm-3pm PST


Join me to explore the embodiment of the energies of the first Full Moon of the New Year.

This Moon will be in its home sign of Cancer, the archetype of the Great Mother, Nurturer and Healer. Cancer is of the Water Element, represented by the healing saltwater of the Sea.

The Moon will be conjoined with Mars, archetype of the Warrior and also aspected by Chiron, The Wounded Healer.

I will offer a short talk on these celestial energies and how we can draw upon their high potentials. We will then move into a few minutes of reflection/journaling before group sharing. The group sharing is an opportunity to speak freely from our hearts and be held in a safe and loving container of connection.

Following the sharing, you will have the option to participate in a simple, yet potent, Full Moon Salt Water Ritual to cleanse and release, allowing greater opening to receive the nurturance and unconditional care offered by each other in Healing Circles.

For the Healing Circles, we will form groups of 3 or 4 and each person will have the opportunity to sit or lie down in the middle of their small group circle, supported by blankets, bolsters, etc.

From this place, you can request the type of physical or non-physical/energetic support you would like to receive from the beings in your group. For example, you might ask one person if they would hold your feet for grounding and if another person would rub your shoulders or neck.

Physical touch is completely optional - both on the giving side and the receiving. Instead of physical touch, you might ask for energetic support around particular themes or a part of your body. The possibilities are endless!

This is a practice of asking for what we need/want and then receiving. The feedback from people who've experienced Healing Circles: "Can we get together and do this all the time!?! I feel completely renewed...body, mind and heart!"

This Full Moon workshop is an opportunity to fill your cup at the start of the New Year!

Open to all womxn and genderqueer folks.

Astrology of 2025: A Look at the Year Ahead

Via Zoom

Thursday, December 19, 2024

4:30pm–6:30pm PST


Join me for an exploration of the major astrological energies of 2025 through an evolutionary astrological lens. Our time together will include:

–Overview of the Astrology of 2025

–Guided Meditation (inspired by Family/Systemic Constellations)

–Optional Sharing and/or Questions

I look forward to offering you a sense of the flow of this New Year. You'll learn which months will be quieter astrologically and which will be more action-packed, including the nature of the astrological energies and how to consciously align with the shifts.

2025 is particularly significant in that several slower moving planets are changing sign:

–Saturn entering into Aries (changes sign every 2.5-3 years)

–Uranus entering into Gemini (changes sign every 7 years)

–Neptune entering into Aries (changes sign approx every 14 years)

And, of course, Pluto has just changed sign (Nov 2024) and is in the very beginning stages of its 20-year process of continuous, deep excavation and transformation in the sign of Aquarius.

I will also discuss the shifting of the Lunar Nodes from North Node Aries/South Node Libra into North Node Pisces/South Node Virgo, which will occur right away in January 2025.

The other transits included in our exploration: Mars Retrograde, Venus Retrograde, Mercury Retrograde dates and Jupiter moving into Cancer.

It's a big year! I look forward to supporting your preparation!

Open to all genders.

4-Week Astrology Series:

PLUTO: Guardian of the Underworld


Please contact Jessa if you'd like to be added to the wait list.


November 11, 18, 25 & Dec 2


November 12 & 26, Dec 3 & 10

Online via Zoom with Jessa Walters

4:30–6:30pm PST

EARLY BIRD: $295 (save 10% through Nov 1 - $325 thereafter)

To be in right relationship with ourselves and with others, we must have considerable self-knowledge. There are many paths to deeper self-understanding. One such path is Plutonian, the Underworld Journey, whose ultimate aim is deep and utter transformation.

In Evolutionary Astrology, Pluto represents the archetype of the Psychoanalyst or the Shaman. One who journeys into the Underworld, the deep psyche, to face wounds and fears with eyes wide open.

One who bravely ventures into the murky, shadowy depths to reclaim the parts of oneself that have been exiled, hidden or repressed.

"Those who will not slip beneath
     the still surface on the well of grief,

turning down through its black water
     to the place we cannot breathe,

will never know the source from which we drink,
     the secret water, cold and clear,

nor find in the darkness glimmering,

the small round coins,
thrown by those who wished for something else."

(“The Well of Grief" by David Whyte)

Through this Underworld alchemy, pain transforms into gold. We bring back insight and personal power. We experience the integration of all the parts of ourselves and our life experience, weaving together the fragments, no part left out. We learn to fully honor the darkness, as well as the light, and thereby embody the holy wholeness of who we are.

The prize for Plutonian healing:

Empowerment. Energy. Engagement with destiny. Presence. Intensity of being. The end of guilt and shame. Deep relationship with truth.

In this series, we explore the Plutonian depths in each of our birth charts. We uncover the specific questions Pluto asks of us in this lifetime, illuminating the particular nature of our deep inner work and the unique Plutonian gifts we each carry.

We will explore 2 participants' birth charts per evening. This is an invaluable opportunity to learn from each other's astrology charts and lives. I will share my Zoom screen while looking at each astrological chart so that everyone can follow along and learn.

At the end of each chart exploration, there will be a few minutes for members of the group to share reflective/mirroring feedback. Participants from past groups have expressed that receiving this type of feedback gave them the experience of feeling seen and heard in a way that was deeply affirming, insightful and energizing.

This group is limited to 8 womxn/genderqueer folks.

Fearing Paris

by: Marsha Truman Cooper

“Suppose that what you fear could be trapped
and held in Paris.

Then you would have the courage to go
everywhere in the world.
All the directions of the compass open to you,
except the degrees east or west of true north
that lead to Paris.
Still, you wouldn’t dare
put your toes
smack dab on the city limit line.

You’re not really willing
to stand on a mountainside, miles away,
and watch the Paris lights
come up at night.
Just to be on the safe side
you decide to stay completely out of France.

But then the danger
seems too close
even to those boundaries,
and you feel
the timid part of you
covering the whole globe again.

You need the kind of friend
who learns your secret and says, “See Paris First.”

  • "Thank you for organizing these amazing series! I appreciate your compassion, astrological expertise and skillful communication. I am very grateful to be part of the group, so much intimacy and learning about astrology."

    –Sher D.

MIDLIFE Metamorphosis:

Embrace YOUR Midlife Revolution with the Wisdom of Astrology & Human Design

Online via Zoom with Jessa Walters & Amy Patee

Thursday, November 14, 2024

4:30–6:30pm PST

Do you feel like you are navigating a midlife storm? Or lost and ready to ignite a new path? Or perhaps you're witnessing a potent new self emerging and yearning to embrace it?

Midlife is a powerful time of transformation that urges you to claim your most authentic self.

Join Jessa Walters and Amy Patee for an online workshop that will guide you through this transformative journey using the sacred roadmaps of Astrology & Human Design.

In Midlife Metamorphosis, you will:

  • Gain Astrological Insights: Explore Uranus, the planet of disruption, breakthrough, revolution, and freedom.

  • Understand your Uranus Opposition Transit: This 3-year astrological event occurs during your late 30s to mid-40s and can serve as a catalyst for coming into radical authentic alignment with your true values, aspirations, and self-expression—often triggering profound life changes.

  • Explore Human Design: Discover your Energy Type, Signature, and Not-Self Themes and learn how to align with your natural flow.

  • Be guided in Reflective Journaling: Uncover deep truths about yourself and your desires.

  • Experience Embodiment Practices: Integrate your learnings through guided exercises.

  • Receive a Companion eBook: Follow along with this insightful guide filled with valuable resources.

    This workshop is open to all womxn and genderqueer folks.

Astrology for Self-Discovery: The Moon in Your Birth Chart

In-Person at Casa Om Yoga in Pacifica, CA

Sunday, November 3, 2024

4–6pm PT


Please join me for a personalized astrology workshop for womxn/genderqueer folks. We'll gather during the New Moon phase of Scorpio Season and dive into the meaning of the Moon in our birth charts.

In astrology, the Moon gives us invaluable information about the types of energies and experiences that will center us, nourish us and bring us resiliency, happiness and peace. 

Understanding the Moon in our birth charts has the potential to revolutionize our self-care and support our physical and emotional wellbeing.

During the workshop, I will speak into each womxn's Moon sign, sharing potentials and possibilities from an evolutionary astrological perspective. As we go around the circle, you will have the opportunity to share your thoughts/experience, if you wish to, as we explore your unique Moon.

Following our astrological exploration, we will move into a Yoga Nidra practice, offering an opportunity for deep relaxation, integration and the seeding of your desires/intentions during this New Moon phase.

4-Week Astrology Series: Relationship Deep Dive


If you’d like to be on the waiting list, please contact me.

Mondays, September 16 & 23 and October 7 & 14, 2024

via Zoom

4:30-6:30pm PDT (6:30-8:30pm CDT // 7:30-9:30pm EDT)

Note: Our first session, on Sept 16, will be a bit longer due to introductions and orientation to our time together...please allow for up to 2.5 hours.

Each week we will dive into 2 participants' relationship charts.

You may choose any relationship in your life, past or present. The other person may be living or in spirit.

I will need their birth info (date, time and location of birth), which I will keep anonymous.

We will be exploring your Relationship Synastry and/or Composite Charts.

Synastry shows us how your birth charts stimulate one another, which may include exploring particular similarities/differences in your individual birth charts.

The Composite Chart is formed when we merge your two individual birth charts together into one chart which reveals a map of the soul karma, core needs and high potentials, as well as potential challenges, of the relationship itself.

We'll start each evening with an embodied grounding/centering meditation. After the meditation, 2 participants will be spotlighted (about 45 mins each, with a short break in between).

When it is your turn in the spotlight, you will be invited to share a bit about the relationship and what aspect(s) you wish to explore (to whatever depth you feel comfortable). I will then dive in with you astrologically. I will be doing chart preparation beforehand, and I will bring this information to you through an evolutionary, soul-centered, empowering lens. 

At the end of each participant's spotlight, there will be some time for members of the group to share reflections/mirroring feedback. I will offer group guidelines for this feedback portion. Participants from past groups have expressed that receiving this type of feedback gave them the experience of feeling seen and heard in a way that was deeply affirming, insightful and energizing.

In addition to gaining astrological insight about a relationship in your life and being witnessed and held by an attentive, caring group of humans, the format of this series is also an excellent way to learn about astrology! I will share my Zoom screen while exploring each astrological chart so that everyone can follow along and learn.


In-person at Yess Yoga in Minneapolis, MN

Saturday, September 21, 2024

7–9pm CT

Please join me for the Taurus Moon Medicine on the eve of the Fall Equinox (in the midst of Eclipse Season!). This is a potent time to gather in community to connect with our natural instincts, ground ourselves in our animal bodies and receive rest, relaxation and rebalancing through the support of others.

I will give a short talk on the current energies through an evolutionary astrological lens. We will honor and explore the embodiment of the Taurus Moon through organic engagement with music, as well as in small groups with hands-on grounding and support.

Please wear clothing that feels comfortable to you, in which you can move freely and rest deeply. If you have any rattles, shakers, drums – any sound/music makers, please bring one (or more to share).

You have complete choice in how you engage with any and all of the possibilities offered during our evening together.

“Your offerings are exquisite, rich and wise. Thank you for sharing what you are braiding together."

–Paula C.

Making Sense of the Past:

4-Week Astrological Deep Dive

Online via Zoom

Mondays, June 17, 24, July 1, 8, 2024

5pm-7pm PDT

I have found in my astrological work with people, and in my use of astrology to better understand and integrate past events in my own life, especially challenging or painful ones, that examining the astrological energies present during those times often sheds insightful light upon these experiences. Astrology has the power to offer a context that we may not otherwise have access to. This context has the potential to shift our perceptions...possibly opening a door to deeper, wider understanding and peace.

We will begin each of our evenings in this 4-week series with a guided ancestral connection meditation. It's important to know we are not alone in our healing journeys. We are deeply supported by those who came before us.

After the meditation, 2 participants will be spotlighted (45 mins each, with a break in between). When it is your turn, you will be invited to share about an event from your past (to whatever depth you feel comfortable) that I will then explore with you astrologically. I will be doing chart preparation beforehand, looking at the astrological transits, progressions and/or solar arcs stimulating your birth chart at the time of the event. I will bring this information to you through an evolutionary, soul-centered, possibility-opening lens.

As part of each participant's astrological deep dive, there will be some time for members of the group to share reflective/mirroring feedback. I will offer group guidelines and potential prompts for this feedback portion. Participants from past groups have expressed that receiving this type of feedback gave them the experience of feeling deeply seen and reflected back in a way that was affirming, strengthening and healing.

In addition to the benefits of both giving and receiving caring attention within a group and gaining personal, astrological insight in relation to your unique life experience, the format of this series is also an excellent way to learn about astrology. I will share my Zoom screen while exploring each astrological chart so that everyone can follow along and learn.

$295 early bird / $325 thereafter

"Thank you, Jessa! What an amazing experience. You created such a wonderful safe space for so much healing. It was an honor to be part of such a special group!” 



Online via Zoom

Thursday, June 20, 2024

4:30pm-6pm PDT

I invite you to join me for this weaving together of Evolutionary Astrology and Family Constellations wisdom in honor of the Sun’s movement into the zodiac sign of Cancer, which marks the Summer Solstice.

The sign of Cancer aligns with the 4th House and the Moon, all having associations with our hearts, our emotions, with the past and with our family lineage.

From an evolutionary astrological perspective, Cancerian energy exists in part to motivate healing and connection with our hearts. Often this involves revisiting the past, tending to familial wounds to heal and clear the way for life-giving energy to flow to us from our parents and ancestors.

In this workshop, we will explore the “Orders of Love,” a core tenet of Family Constellations. I will guide you in a "constellation in the mind" designed to facilitate movement towards more peace in relation to one of your parents, with the potential to look at them through the eyes of an adult, rather than through the eyes of a child. (You will have the recording of the meditation so you can do it again at another time, if you wish, in relation to your other parent.)

Note: You do not have to know your biological parents to participate in this workshop’s explorations.

This event is open to all. 


In-person at Yess Yoga in Minneapolis, MN

Saturday, May 18, 2024

7–9pm CDT

The Moon will be in the sign of Libra, which has affinity with the planet Venus. Themes of relationship, love in action, shared power, interdependence, reciprocity, justice, peace, appreciation of beauty and the ability to hold paradox...all Libran territory.

I will give a short talk on Libra Moon energies, weaving in Libra’s counterpart: Aries. We will explore the dynamics of reciprocity (the balance of giving and taking) through a Family & Systemic Constellations lens. There will be time for small and large group sharing around this topic.

We’ll also explore the embodiment of Libran energies through organic engagement with music.

You have complete choice in how you engage with any and all of the possibilities offered during our evening together. Please wear clothing that feels comfortable to you, in which you can move freely. And, if you have any rattles, shakers, drums – any sound/music makers, please bring one (or more to share).

This event is open to all womxn and genderqueer folks.

“I loved this Moon Medicine so much! It was such a joy to witness and participate in something created and offered with so much passion and love. It is really inspiring! I learned so much, and continue to as I reflect on your teachings. Thank you!”



I invite you to join me on Monday, April 29th from 4:30pm–6pm PDT via Zoom for an embodied weaving together of Evolutionary Astrology and Family Constellations in honor of Venus’ ingress into Taurus.

April 29th is the day that Venus, the planet of relationship, resources and values enters into the earthy, sensual, material-stability-seeking, peace-loving sign of Taurus (April 29-May 23). Venus is the ruling planet of Taurus, so there is great affinity between Venus' natural drives and Taurus' natural motivations.

My Evolutionary Astrology teacher, Steven Forrest, said something once that has never left me: the prayer of Venus is the exhale.

Ahhhh. When our animal body, heart and soul can relax, soften and open up to the moment because we feel enough safety, stability (relational, financial, etc) and peace, the Venus/Taurus parts of ourselves can flourish.

I invite you to gather with me to explore this Venusian/Taurean territory.

Our time together will include:

–Guided Body Scan - Invoking the prayer of Venus, we create space for the're invited to get comfy and cozy, with your body as supported as possible. From here, we open to the possibility of relaxation and release of tension.

–A short talk on Venus/Taurus through an evolutionary astrological lens

–“Ancestral Affinity Tree” (Family Constellations Exercise) in breakout rooms (in dyads or triads). Please plan to have your video on for the small groups. You're welcome to have your video on or off during the other parts of our time together.

–”Me, My Lineage and Money” (Family Constellations Guided Meditation) - an opportunity to explore and perhaps receive insight and movement around your relationship with money (or a different resource you wish to explore).

This event is open to all. 

Virgo Moon Medicine Yess Yoga with Jessa Walters


In-Person at Yess Yoga in Minneapolis, MN

Saturday, January 27, 2024

7–9pm CST

Please join me for an embodied astrological journey under a grounding, organizing Moon of Humility and Healing Connection: VIRGO.

I will give a short talk on earth element Virgo Moon energies and supports, weaving in Virgo’s counterpart: beyond-the-veil, multi-dimensional Pisces. We’ll then explore these potentialities through organic engagement with music, an ancestral lineage meditation followed by hands-on (or energetic) grounding into a felt-sense of ancestral support (individually or in dyads).

You are welcome to bring an item(s) for the altar that reflects ancestral support/presence and/or anything you find grounding and supportive in body, mind and spirit.

Aries Moon Medicine with Jessa Walters at Yess Yoga


Please join me at Yess Yoga in Minneapolis on Saturday evening, September 30, 2023 from 7–9pm CST, for an embodied astrological adventure under a sparky, bold, initiating Aries Moon, coupled with the stabilizing, sustaining energy of the Moon in Taurus.

Yes, two Moons in one night! The Moon will shift signs during our time together.

We’ll begin and spend more than half of the evening with the Moon in the courage-building, desire-mapping, get-the-ball-rolling fire of Aries, and at 8:18pm CT to be exact, the Moon will move into grounding, soothing Taurus earth.

I will give a short talk on Aries/Taurus motivations and potentials from an evolutionary astrological perspective. Then, we will explore these yang/yin energies through organic engagement with music, a heart’s-desire-declaration ritual followed by time in dyads with hands-on grounding (ex: foot massage).

"Thank you so very much, Jessa, for the gift of the Aries Moon Medicine last night. You are an amazing channel for the YES energy! I so needed that, and can’t wait for January!"

–Kristi F.

Sagittarius Moon Medicine with Jessa Walters Yess Yoga Minneapolis


Come gather in circle for astrological learning, dancing and sharing at Yess Yoga Studio in Minneapolis under the fiery, warm, celebratory FULL MOON IN SAGITTARIUS on Saturday evening, June 3, 2023 from 7-9pm CST.

We gather at the height of moonlight to explore Sagittarius’ vast sense of possibility, hope and resilience in our bodies, minds and hearts through organic movement to music, creative expression (artwork) and sharing.

We will synergize and spark each other by sharing what inspires and opens our hearts/minds into living in hope-filled, visionary, ever-expanding ways. 

“I found the Moon Medicine gathering to be one of those monumental moments in life. Thank you for your gentle, fiery, thoughtful way in our world!"


In participants’ words from past astrological immersions and series…

  • "Thank you for organizing these amazing series! I appreciate your compassion, astrological expertise and skillful communication. I am very grateful to be part of the group, so much intimacy and learning about astrology."

    –Sher D.

  • “I thank you from the heart of my heart for facilitating such a powerful group experience of healing. You are a deeply gifted astrologer, group facilitator, and teacher (among many other things!), and I learn so much from you every time I'm with you, on so many different levels! I am feeling more drawn to facilitate group and community work--although I'm not exactly sure what form this will take or what this will look like--and being in this series with you was such a gift, not only for the transformative personal and group healing it catalyzed, but also for the gift of teaching such attuned, joyful, balanced, confident group leadership. Thank you, thank you, thank you.”


  • "Thanks so much for the work you do. You are a blessing in my life. I feel very safe working with you. I appreciate how you hold the group, the experience you bring as an astrologer and a healer. Thank you very much, I appreciate you!"

    –Dana M.

  • "There’s so much I could say about the truly transformational nature of Jessa’s planetary astrological series, but what keeps standing out is the joy that comes from the experience of engaging in self-inquiry within the context of community. Often our spiritual paths can feel so personal and, at times, a bit lonely. Yet, Jessa’s series allowed me the opportunity to find greater clarity about my own path within the embrace of a circle of women. Such an embrace allowed for an upsurge of acceptance and love. It allowed for strength to face life’s challenges and move toward the greatest gifts I can manifest in this lifetime.  To have a community recognize and lift up those gifts is truly a magical feeling."

    –Shoshana R.

  • “I was just sharing with my brother about the Lilith Immersion and what a beautiful space you held energetically. I felt so free to show up exactly where I am, and this isn’t easy to come by in a group workshop setting. I’m reflecting on how safe and loving and inviting this group felt to me. Truly a matriarchal community feel. Such a beautiful experience of shared feelings and experiences. Thank you for sharing your gifts and for offering the experience to me and others of feeling truly part of a matriarchal group/community.”

    –Paula B.

  • “In Jessa’s astrological series circles and the retreats that she offers, Jessa creates a safe container for women to be held and heard. And, also for each of us to learn how to hold that space for the other women in the group so each woman can be heard without anyone interjecting opinions or giving advice. It is a valuable learning experience that gives us the tools we need in our circles of friends and family and the greater community. Typically, you begin a circle as strangers but very quickly become so much more than friends. We laugh and cry together and share intimacies that we may have never shared with anyone else, knowing it is held in the utmost confidence, without judgment. This is true healing. Jessa is a master at creating space to explore our vulnerability. There are no words to describe what I’ve received from being a part of these women’s circles. The experience is truly magical. We need more of these circles to heal ourselves and heal the world. The bonus is you get to learn about astrology, ritual and a bunch of other really cool things, but the main thing is you learn about yourself!"

    –Gini L.