A birth chart reading followed by a transits and progressions reading was exactly what I needed to move forward in my life. These readings provided so much support, clarity, validation and understanding, not only for myself but for my family as well. Jessa is passionate and gifted, and it has been such a pleasure to have several readings by her. I plan to tell everyone I know to have their chart done for a richer look at themselves.
–Thea Jensen
We re-listened to the recording of our relationship synastry chart reading today and giggled and just loved hearing your sage wisdom for us from over 5 years ago. So much insight and so much foreshadowing of what would emerge. What a gift you are to us.
–Ryan & Michelle Meeks
When you and I met several months ago for a natal chart reading, you mentioned that Lilith was strong in my chart. You can’t believe how empowering that’s been for me and how often I use that knowledge to give me strength and courage. I am planning to get a tattoo representing Lilith to remind me of my strength and that a big part of my purpose on this earth is to fight the patriarchy and right some of the wrongs bestowed upon my female ancestors (Mormon/LDS heritage).
–Terri J.
Thank you so much for such a profound, healing, affirming experience today! I am amazed by the energy, joy, and freedom I feel from our work as well as the welcome grief of feeling how hard it has been to be in my karmic patterns. I deeply appreciate your incredible gift and will be carrying gratitude for you as I move towards my North Node!
–Kate Gerwin
Awaiting my astrology reading from Jessa, I was giddy with anticipation and also afraid of what it might reveal. I didn’t know what to expect. Within the first five minutes that fear dissolved and it was like sitting with my best friend. Everything she told me resonated, everything became clear, everything calmed down. I keep returning to that feeling, knowing more of how I came to be, what struggles my soul went through, what struggles I am currently going through, and what I need to do to move forward. This reading is so far beyond the stereotypes of our zodiac. It is so empowering, and I highly recommend it.
–Stephanie E.
Thank you so much for the encouraging reading! I’m listening to the recording now and am able to hear so much more than I could at the time. And it’s firing up my Mars transits and progressions sparking my appetite for life and adventure. I’m so glad I gave the reading to myself for my birthday. Until my next reading, take good care!
–Gwen Gordon
Thank you for sharing the incredible insight you gained from the stars. I was so fascinated, and inspired, and 100% validated by so many aspects of myself that I didn't even realize needed validation! It has helped set me free. What a gift!
My reading with Jessa set a course into motion for a whole new level of continued exploration. In addition to the vast content of the reading itself, the way Jessa compassionately and skillfully connected everything blew my mind and continues to show up in my life in a myriad of ways every day.
–Alison Rogers
I had an amazing and life-choice confirming chart reading by Jessa recently. Not only did it create a warmth around the current path I am embarking upon, but it opened insight into some new areas to focus on. Also, the resources she provided following the reading were very helpful! Looking forward to creating some momentum with energy work and creating space.
–Marissa Galan
This reading was so on point for me with everything going on in my life …for Jessa to be able to point it out was amazing! It gave me so much clarity as far as what I’m supposed to be doing and why I don’t always do what I know I should. When I tell you it was so on point, it gave me chills! Thank you so much, Jessa, your energy was amazing, and I’m so glad I found you! Can’t wait to see where all this new knowledge will take me. I’m excited and ready! Thank you.
Jessa is highly intuitive and spot-on in all of her readings. It is as if she knows me and my story from deep within. Jessa is without a doubt an inspiration and a bright shining light in my life. With love and gratitude.
–Amy Kim
Thank you so much for the relationship reading you did for David and I. Thank you for your passion, dedication and excellence in your work. It was so well delivered and with such care and integrity. Understanding our relationship chart was some big marriage therapy for me, thank you! I had no idea that astrology could do that! I feel renewed and excited! Thank you for delivering the message of our charts in such a clear, conscious and loving way. We felt so well held by you and your interpretation of our charts.
–Anne Murphy
It was such an inspiring and moving experience to witness my mom receive a birth chart reading with Jessa. I could tell everything Jessa touched on really spoke to my mom's life experience, desires and needs. Jessa did a marvelous job explaining the meaning and power of different parts of her chart. I appreciated how she would take time to pause and check in with how things were resonating for my mom, or if my mom had a reaction in the moment, she would stop and give space for my mom to express herself. I love how Jessa drew connections between what my mom said and the chart. There was a beautiful flow in the exchange, and I was delighted to see Jessa share the combination of her intuitive and caring presence with her depth of knowledge. My mom found the experience so helpful and empowering that she now wants everyone in the family to get a reading!
Thank you for the ease you convey which creates a sense of safety and freedom to express hard things. You are clearly gifted in your work Jessa!
–Ellen P.
I re-listened to my last reading with you, your soothing sacred wisdom, your fierce insight. I laughed, I cried, I was filled with so much fresh energy. So, I wanted to send you a note of deep, deep gratitude for your soul fire, your tenderness, your ability to permit access to the great Beyond and the inner chambers...to find courage and fresh eyes...new light. It felt like a restoration and a deliverance all at once. I heard things I hadn't been able to hear months ago. So please, picture me raising my coffee to you, in deepest reverence for all the soul/shadow work you have done to rise liberated and embodied. I am learning so so much from your example and your guidance. The wings are very wide in you.
–Lyndsay Kunkel
Know that you help people find life’s BEGINNINGS – places lost, or never felt… Your practice – is the best kind of germination, as seeing TRUTH – waters itself. You remind us of the DEPTH of roots – still living inside, each one of us. You SPREAD love – of self, and beyond. Here, we are better able to share this INHERENT goodness. Re-energizing strength – pours back into our weakening fabric of human RELATIONS. This world can be so OVERWHELMINGLY odd – and sad. I was SO looking for my compass, for a sharper sense of direction, for a puzzle I could finish. Life’s map now unfolds – in such a way where I can SEE the patterns, the pathways THROUGH. ‘EVOLUTIONARY ASTROLOGY’ is a flashlight beaming into my soul’s crevices. There ARE missing pieces here…
–Rebecca Doyle
In my birth chart reading with Jessa, I learned about something I had never heard of before—my South Node and my North Node. While the terminology was new to me, the energy certainly was not; as Jessa explained the energy behind my South Node placement, I could easily identify with it and see how that pull (of so many lifetimes) wove its way into my experience. I also learned that I was working to transform those South Node energies, and that my North Node pointed the way. The North Node is a road map of attitude and behavior and values and ways of being that can counteract all those old South Node tendencies. An evolutionary road map if you will…a guidance for transformation.
–Carol Hicks
Astrology has always intrigued me but I’d never had a professional reading. Going into my reading with Jessa, I was curious and open about what would happen. After a few minutes, I knew this was going to be an experience of helpful and transformative power. It was like listening to someone explain me to me in a way that identified every component part and showed how all those disparate pieces join together into one cohesive whole. Jessa guided me through the process of understanding each piece, learning where it came from, how to take care of it, seeing the unity of it all within me, and recognizing how that informs my life. The journey was at once calming, enormous, and empowering. Calming because Jessa created a safe and peaceful environment where it was easy to talk about powerful and emotional things, enormous because it was no small thing to look at and understand all the different forces at work within me, and empowering because I saw, laid out before me, all that I need to be true to myself, nourish my soul and flourish in this life. I left filled with a deeper understanding of how I fit into the world around and inside of me and equipped to live my most fulfilling life.
–Tim Farnham
Jessa is a spiritual mentor of mine. As a deeply reflective individual who has never quite “fit the mold,” I find her insight extremely valuable in my life. Through my annual birthday reading and other appointments, I receive guidance that helps me be the best version of myself. Jessa never fails to deliver information and insights that are transformational, personal and timely. I come away from our meetings inspired and uplifted, with an extra bit of bounce in my step and joy in my heart. I hope you will schedule a reading and experience her magic.
–Cynthia Zuber
My reading with Jessa felt like a painting of me and my life. I felt freed of all self-judgment. The reading gave me an “it’s all okay and it all makes sense” kind of feeling. I know that I am on the right track and to keep doing what I’m doing. This experience was a deep affirmation, support and inspiration.
–Ancha Siverttson
When experiencing readings with Jessa, I come into profound awareness of her commitment and intentionality to “midwife women’s power” through her astrology readings and personal journey. Through her delivery of what is seen in my chart, she weaves aspects of which I am unaware into the fabric of my consciousness and my life. When I connect with my astrological aspects, I do so through images and energies. I can sense and track the movements and alignments as Jessa’s words allow all that she shares to land and then it is up to me to choose to continue to welcome and embody that into my life and being. Each time I re-listen to the recording, my experience expands to reveal more and more layers of what was shared during the reading which I may have resisted or missed then as it flows with me throughout the year.
–Patricia Beck
Thank you so much Jessa. I love your readings and find them so helpful and inspiring. What an incredible gift you have to be able to navigate this complex and mysterious body of wisdom and communicate it in such a clear, captivating and supportive way.
–Samantha de Siena
I’m so grateful for you and the gifts you are bringing into the world. You are helping me to wake up in a way that is so potent and vulnerable and wild and liberating all at the same time…and much of this is happening because of your exquisite ability/perception/compassion with both power and loving tenderness to mirror back to someone who they truly are. Somehow your way of being with me is helping me to bring my fractured, splintered pieces back together.
–Paula Barkmeier
I was just listening back to the recording of one of our readings. It was the reading about a past relationship. Jessa, you are utterly magical in the deft way you wield your gifts. I can’t believe what we uncovered, what came out of that time together and the healing that has continued as a result of it. How beautiful it is to be reminded of the power of that relationship to transform my life and my journey.
–Lisa Kahn-Allen