Aries/Libra Eclipse Cycle: April 2023-March 2025
The Aries/Libra eclipse cycle began in April 2023 and completes in March 2025.
We are right in the middle.
We are also right in the middle of the current 2-week eclipse portal (March 25–April 8, 2024), which began with the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse at 5 degrees LIBRA on March 25 and ends with the April 8 New Moon Solar Eclipse at 19 degrees ARIES.
You could think of the upcoming April 8 Aries North Node Eclipse as a super-charged NEW MOON, where the focus is seed-planting for the life we are hungry for, the life we are growing into. We are meant to be moving out of our familiar, comfort zones and bravely embarking on new territory at this time, which will be in process over the next 6 months.
Every 6 months we have a set of 2 eclipses (and once in a while 3).
I recommend reflecting back on the happenings around and within the last eclipse portal 6 months ago (October 14–October 28, 2023).
Did anything occur that stands out to you?
You may notice similar themes or energies resurfacing now. You may also notice resonance with the eclipse portal 6 months before that: April 20–May 5, 2023, which kicked off this 2-year cycle of Aries/Libra eclipses we are in now.
It is my hope that as you reflect back on the last 6 months to a year, you become aware of added tools, support and awareness you have gained that now resource you in working through arising challenges. This could be a time to acknowledge and celebrate the perspective shifts and healing that has happened in the last 6-12 months that make this eclipse period different, even if you are noticing similar themes coming up.
Life is such a spiral, isn't it?! We get to revisit themes and work through layers. And, life affords us continuous evolutionary opportunities to learn from our experience, to integrate the lessons and grow in wisdom.
Let's also look at the energies of the Aries (North Node)/Libra (South Node) axis. With the South Node in Libra, the personal growth is largely centered around working through and shifting old patterns and outdated agreements in relationships that leave us feeling superficial, ingenuine, disempowered, passive, overly compromising, unmet, depleted... This is all shadowy Libra stuff.
The South Node in Libra may illuminate where we are relating with the motivation to gain or maintain others' approval or to maintain the status quo, all at the expense of much needed truthfulness and authenticity.
The North Node in Aries is inviting our souls to follow their hunger for deeper connection, truth and aliveness, for something more real and honest to be present and expressed between ourselves and others.
At the root of the South Node in Libra we often find a pretty deep fear of conflict, disharmony and upset. If we notice this is something we relate with, this 2-year Aries/Libra eclipse cycle supports us enormously in moving toward and through these fears and anxieties, to understand and break through at least the next layer! These 2-year cycles only come around every 18 years, so this Aries North Node/Libra South Node axis of energy is a catalyst to consciously draw upon and utilize.
Core to the Aries North Node path is to gather our inner power and determination to face our fears head-on, to experience what a freeing victory that can be and in the process build courage, strength and life force energy. Aries, the Warrior archetype, calls us to be bolder, braver, more direct and to take concrete actions to bring ourselves and our lives into more real, genuine, honest expression and connection with others.
To read more, please visit my Eclipse Season Newsletter: