Jupiter Saturn Square Dance
Photo above: From a recent sunset walk...to the left is the expanse of the Pacific Ocean. Looking at this picture and knowing the astrology of the moment, I immediately feel Jupiter's and Saturn's energies: Jupiter so eager and enthusiastic, imagining what could be around the next corner and willing to take big risks to get there. And, Saturn showing itself through the tree roots, encouraging us to slow down and keep grounded, stepping mindfully as we move forward.
We are in the midst of some BIG astrology!
I am going to zero in on the JUPITER SATURN SQUARE that is coming into exactitude on Monday, August 19, 2024 which is also the FULL MOON IN AQUARIUS. What a day!
This potent contact between Jupiter and Saturn is the first of its kind since the start of the new Jupiter Saturn cycle, which some of you might recall, "THE GREAT CONJUNCTION" occurring on December 21, 2020.
It's a big deal when Jupiter and Saturn come together for a conjunction, as it only happens once every 20 years. They are both slower moving planets and their cycle together is one of long-term development, involving future visioning, pruning, restructuring and expansion.
I highly recommend reflecting back on that time at the end of 2020 and what has been percolating for you over these last 3.5 years. You may find it useful to read the HOROSCOPES that astrologer, Chani Nicholas, created for that seeding moment of The Great Conjunction. If you know your Ascendant (Rising Sign), you can read in her horoscopes about the area of your birth chart/life that was activated in Dec 2020. This area of your life is ripe and ready to experience a long-term, grounded expansion over the course of this 20-year Jupiter/Saturn cycle (2020-2040).
We are now, in August 2024, approaching the OPENING SQUARE, or first 90 degree angle, in this 20-year cycle. The opening square has energy similar to a First Quarter Moon. It's a time where the rubber meets the road!
We could look at this whole 20-year cycle in terms of a plant life cycle and also in terms of the Moon cycle. The seeds were planted at The Great Conjunction in Dec 2020 (energy similar to a New Moon phase). Since then, sprouts have emerged from the seeds and have pushed their way against gravity, up, up, up through the soil (energy similar to a Waxing Crescent Moon phase).
Now, at the opening square, the sprouts finally break through the top layer of soil and are suddenly in direct contact with sunlight, wind and nibbling rabbits. There may be some big time feelings of vulnerability and risk during this phase of the 20-year cycle. It is the time to face our fears, embody courage and grow forth, as what was once a seed, an idea or a dream longs to become more tangible and visible in our lives. It's time to trust ourselves to take concrete actions and movements based on what has been growing and developing since Dec 2020.
It's important to note that Jupiter and Saturn will come back into exact aspect for two more squares, one in December 2024 and another one in June 2025. We are supported and stimulated in a very concentrated way over the next year with the recurring courage-building, "make it real" support of the opening squares between Jupiter and Saturn.
JUPITER wants to move and groove from a place of optimism and confidence into greater possibility and the expanded visions we have for ourselves, our communities, our world. SATURN wants whatever is emerging to be grounded and thoughtfully, practically created so the foundation/structure will be sustainable and long-lasting, not just a flash-in-the-pan.
These two planets dancing closely together over this next year are incredibly supportive for manifestation. And, because they are squaring each other in their dance, there will no doubt be friction and challenge at times. This is not a negative thing!
A lot of the challenging feelings might come from the fact that Jupiter and Saturn are constantly in "corrective" or "re-balancing" relationship. JUPITER can get overwhelmed with too many ideas, possibilities or too much information, and exponentially so when it's in Gemini (May 2024-June 2025). SATURN helps Jupiter sort through and narrow things down so that decisive action can be taken and at least one or two big ideas/dreams have a chance to be brought into form. On the other hand, Saturn may get too rigid or limited in its trajectory and Jupiter's energy helps Saturn open up and recognize new potentials and paths forward.
One of the dimensions I love most about astrology is that it reveals to us the wisdom of cycles. So many people have shared with me about the life-altering benefit of knowing where you are located in various cycles and what is being stimulated in your birth chart/life. It is so energizing to hear this because this ancient wisdom of astrology is here to help and guide us in our living as human beings. It is available for ALL of us to draw upon.
Astrological wisdom guides us on where to focus. It allows us to understand the quality of energy that is prevalent during particular time periods. We can then consciously choose to align with the flow of evolutionary soul currents, rather than resist or drift.
If you’d like to check out what else is in my JUPITER SATURN SQUARE DANCE NEWSLETTER, please do!