Scorpio Full Moon: Releasing from the Depths

"Money is nourishment that moves life on."
–Bert Hellinger, one of the founders of Family Constellations

Greetings Friends...I hope this Scorpio Full Moon phase is allowing for truths, deeply held emotions and new insights to be released from your depths and into the full light of consciousness. It is certainly a time for this kind of subconscious/unconscious emergence with Pluto, Guardian of the Underworld and ruler of Scorpio, tightly aligned with the Full Moon.

The content of these depths may be related to earthy, Taurean themes, such as, material stability and sense of security, embodiment of abundance and sustained thriving.

This is such a ripe and ready time to be feeling into and also re-evaluating what all of this means for you.

What does material stability and security mean for you at this point in your life?
What does it mean to embody abundance?
What does/would sustained thriving feel like in your body?

Some additional Taurean themes could be the desire to move at a slower pace, to experience greater ease, spaciousness and rest in our day-to-day lives. Perhaps we're experiencing an intensification in our desire to truly give our bodies the care, nourishment and connection they are calling for.

We may be coming into contact with a hunger for deeper communion with the natural world, to be in rhythm with sunrises and sunsets or the cycles of the Moon. We may find ourselves itching to clear away clutter and cultivate simplicity that we may become more present with the here and now.

Whatever is emerging for you at this time, know you are supported exponentially in these deep and revelatory inquiries through late May 2024. It's not just a Scorpio Full Moon aligned with Pluto thing! Late May is when the concentrated stimulus of the Jupiter/Uranus conjunction in Taurus that just occurred on April 20th begins to fade out.

This time we are in now until then is particularly rich soil to plant seeds which you can nourish and see flourish in the coming 14 years. You can read more about the Jupiter Uranus Conjunction in my last newsletter.

If you wish, you may also view my Scorpio Full Moon Newsletter.


Kamala Harris and Tim Walz Synastry


Jupiter Uranus Conjunction: April 20, 2024