Venus in Taurus

From May 28–June 22, 2022, VENUS, the planet of relationship, attraction, creativity and values will be moving through the primal earth sign of TAURUS.

Taurus is symbolized by the bull…very rarely the charging bull (unless pushed way past its limits), much more so a contented cow in the meadow, peacefully grazing while basking in the pleasurable coolness of a shade tree.

When it comes to values, Taurus is all about naturalness, simplicity, stability, continuity, ease and peace.

When I think of Taurean energy, this quote by poet, Mary Oliver, comes to mind:

“Sometimes I need only stand wherever I am to be blessed.”

And, in the words of Amy Herring, Evolutionary Astrologer and author of Essential Astrology:

“Taurus does not seek to push itself into blazing existence, but to plainly BE – peaceful, calm, at ease with itself and the world.”

Amy goes on to write about Taurus’s core need for peace:

“Peacefulness is not necessarily piousness or transcendent spirituality; for Taurus, peace is often sought through indulgence rather than transcendence. The activities that bring one down to earth in an immediate way are the pathways that Taurus prefers to walk, whether through experiences that refresh and enliven the senses or a familiar routine that calmly reassures the soul that life will continue.”

As Venus moves through Taurus, we are invited to slow ourselves down and settle more deeply into our natural, earthy, sensuous, instinctual selves. To allow our animal bodies to explore indulgence in creature comforts and pleasures that bring us a tangible, felt sense of peace, calm, simplicity, stability and ease.

As we orient to our sensuality and the opening of our senses, we may wish to feel into the embodied pleasures and comforts of certain tastes, types of touch or physical contact, sights, sounds and smells…

And, acknowledging that not all of us have access to each of these senses.

In whatever ways we engage with this transit, may this Venus in Taurus time initiate ever more down-to-earthiness in our bodies, our relationships, in the ways we relate and connect with ourselves, with others (human and more-than-human), with the natural world, with our immediate environments. May we we root deeper into the sensuality of what we naturally feel drawn to experience and express…in pleasure, in beauty, in peace, in connection, in creativity and in embodiment of our values…


Cancer Season


Aries New Moon