Sagittarius New Moon Prep + Mercury Retrograde
Pictured above: “The Vision” card from The Wild Unknown Archetypes deck by Kim Krans
We are in the middle of SAGITTARIUS SEASON, when the Sun moves through this robust, faith-filled, fire sign.
Sagittarius' warm, encouraging energy has the potential to stimulate sparks of expanded possibility and newfound flickers of hope-fullness within us. This Jupiter-ruled sign also opens the door to a sense of (re)connection with something bigger and meaningful igniting inspiration and strength within the weariness of many of our souls.
Sag's fiery stimulus has the potential to give us the boost of energy we need to envision taking some bigger risks in the direction of generative, life-giving change and growth within or beyond our current situation – individually, interpersonally and collectively.
The Sun and Moon conjoin on 12/12 bringing us a NEW MOON IN SAGITTARIUS at 3:32pm PST (20º Sagittarius).
Before I write more about the New Moon, I want to highlight the very important 3-4 days right before the New Moon, which is the Waning Crescent or Dark Moon phase.
The dark of the Moon is a ripe time to integrate more rest, naps, unplugging from technology and getting to bed earlier, reflection, contemplation, quiet time in nature, meditation...whatever makes you feel more relaxed and receptive, softer and soul-connected.
Inklings and flashes of vision. insight and direction, even fully formed ideas, are poised to come through during the Waning Crescent phase when the veil is thinnest between unconscious and conscious, between nonlinear and linear, between the Great Mystery and all we think we know.
This darkest part in the Moon's cyclical journey is a portal time to receive guidance for the next cycle (and beyond). And, if all goes well, we enter the new cycle with some energy, clarity and vision, having rested and reconnected with our souls.
The New Moon phase is the time in the cycle when the conditions for planting seeds are at their most fecund. It is also a great time to recommit to seeds recently planted and tend to them with some extra care.
Any inklings and knowings that came through during the Waning Crescent, the New Moon phase is a rich and supported time to consciously, actively align ourselves with these insights, desires and visions that we want to have guide us and grow over the next Moon cycle (and beyond).
One way we can actively align is to take some kind of concrete action during the New Moon phase to register our commitment, to say "YES" to our desires, to tangibly plant the seed(s).
This month's New Moon phase is from 12/12-12/16.
*Each phase of the Moon's 8-phase monthly cycle lasts about 3.5 days.
So, the invitation is here for your heart to say, "YES, PLEASE!" to the warming, bolstering fire of Sagittarius as guide and supportive force now and as the foundational energy of the upcoming Moon cycle, which carries us from 2023 into 2024.
The invitation is here to be sparked in an expanding way by Sagittarius' big-hearted trust in Life and openness to possibility and positive change.
It is important to note that Mercury goes retrograde on the same day as the New Moon at 11:09pm PST. From that time through 1/1/24 at 7:07pm PST, we are encouraged by the Great Messenger and ruler of our thinking minds and all things communication, to keep with a mindful pace, really savor the moments, and continue to reflect deeply on our current situations (and how we got here) along with the visions we are holding for the future.
When Mercury goes direct at the very beginning of 2024, the clarity and momentum of wisdom gained from all of our reflection and from the seeding we did at the New Moon will really begin to pick up and gain traction!